3 Ways to Personally Improve Salt Lake City Air Quality
Winter in Salt Lake City is beautiful with its snow capped mountains. But the way we are situated in this valley makes the winter inversion a serious issue. I'm always trying to do what I can do myself to help make our city a little more breathable in the worst winter months. I think if we all work together, we can for sure make a difference. Here are some of my ideas:
1. Participate in "Voluntary Days"
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality has an air quality forecast. You can sign up for emailed forecast reports at the link below. They also will have voluntary action days you can participate in. These come out when there is a forecast for bad air imminent, but not yet unhealthy. It's a time period when our actions can make the most difference.
2. Drive Less or Combine Trips
According to SLCgreen, "about 60-90 percent of dangerous emissions occur in the first minute of vehicle use." So combine your errands into one trip to help alleviate cold starts in your car. Or even better, walk, bike or use public transportation when possible.
3. Skip Wood Burning in the Winter Months
This last one is a difficult one. A warm fire in the fireplace on a cold winter night is so cozy. Also according to SLCgreen, "Wood burning is a big polluter—one wood burning stove puts out as much pollution as 3,000 natural gas furnaces or 90 sport utility vehicles." Think about converting to a gas fireplace instead.
These are just a few simple things I try to do when I know our air quality is suffering during our winter months. I know if we all work together we can make our air just that much better.